
Keep Showing Up

You know what? 🤔I don’t always feel like waking up and adulting. 😂

Nor do I always want to take a shower, or brush my teeth. 🤷‍♀️

But…I do it anyway. Because I know after the shower, with fresh breath, I’ll feel better.

Showing up matters. I hope that you showed up yesterday! And I hope you keep showing up for yourself every day.

Turns out, it’s pretty easy to show up when you’re feeling great. When energy is high, when momentum and motivation are humming, when you feel like you’re “winning” - however you define that - showing up is effortless. ☀️

It’s the hard days that really show you who you are! Will you choose to keep showing up when energy is low? When momentum stalls and motivation deserts you? When it feels like you’ve lost and can’t imagine facing the day? 🧐

There are so many reasons I love progressive strength training…and this is among them:

Training in the gym to lift heavy shit makes it easier to show up outside of the gym when shit gets heavy.

Keep showing up! It matters. You matter. We all do. You are stronger than you think! And, while you may not be able to choose your circumstances, you do, to some extent, get to choose your response to them. Something to think about, and definitely something to be grateful for, at least to me. 🏋️‍♀️

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