
Even MORE to be grateful for! 🥹😜

That’s right…we bumped Up ⬆️ y’all. 😅

Day 6 was 45 second of plank shoulder taps (which you can barely see here lol), followed by dreaded (sorry meant delightful) day 7, 60 seconds of Plank up downs! ☠️

I won’t lie - I straight up forgot to do day 6, so I combined it with day 7…at which point I made the executive decision that 1 set was enough for me today 🤣 ✅

Going from 45 seconds to 60 seconds may not seem like much, but…let’s just say that those 15 extra seconds of planking gave me plenty of time to reconsider my decisions and practice gratitude regardless 🤣

Mantra of the day: I’m grateful to be mentally (& physically) strong enough to do this - it feels so good to get stronger every day! 💪 (AND I have the autonomy to make any workout, or challenge, work for ME and to meet my body where I’m at today! ✌️)

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