
Keep it Awkward 😬

Ever have one of those days? Today’s dose of travel awkwardness started with forgetting my towel at the onsen/hot spring (yep, I was that foreigner wandering around!). Somehow, that made going shirtless at the gym later feel totally doable 😂

I didn’t pack a ton of clothes (reel on how I pack light for travel coming soon!) and with laundry day not quite here, I found myself in a sports bra and thought, why not? 🤷‍♀️

Body neutrality doesn’t mean loving every second of it, but it means giving myself the freedom to just show up, no pressure. 🌸

If you’ve ever felt awkward in your own skin, you’re not alone. Here’s to embracing those “oh well” moments and moving through them with a little more kindness toward ourselves 🥰

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