
Mindful Moment: YOU are the one you’ve been waiting for!

When was the last time you got out of your comfort zone? I mean really went somewhere new, and felt completely lost, and had to rely on yourself to just…rise to the occasion and figure it out? 🤔

So often we stay in our shells, safe and cozy and comfortable…and, getting absolutely nowhere! 🤣 While it’s fine to have safe spaces and people and places in life…it’s really taking risks and getting uncomfortable that help us grow and finally get somewhere! 💪

Even if you take a tumble…or something or someone (including yourself, or some part of you that wants to self-sabotage or has unmet needs) comes along to push you off track along the journey, chances are, that shakeup will get you moving again and remind you to trust in yourself and your capacity to bounce back, and rise to the challenge. What would it look like to get out of YOUR comfort zone? 🧐

What's stopping you from making the move you want to make? How can you sit with that discomfort and do it anyway, even if you're still scared or intimidated? What if the only thing standing between you and your next move is YOU? Maybe now is the moment, and you are the one you've been waiting for! 😍

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