
From All or Nothing ➡️ Always Something!

Ever get stuck in the all or nothing mindset that if you can’t do a full 30 or 60 minute workout you may as well do nothing? 🤔

I’m here to tell you to banish that fixed mindset and try to switch out your internal narrative from “all or nothing” ➡️ to “always SOMEthing”! 😍🤩

As little as 2️⃣ minutes of walking (ideally outdoors) has major benefits! (Check last slide for more, but this statistic from a recent study in the Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology is wild: “Spending just 120 seconds each hour moving instead of sitting may lower your risk of dying younger by 33%” 🤯

Whether it’s walking, running, biking, 🏃‍♀️ 🚴‍♀️🚶‍♀️ or some other form of movement (just as important are recovery-oriented and active rest activities like mobility, flexibility, yoga/pilates🧘‍♀️ foam rolling, breath work/meditation, which can be alone or combine with any of these!) - just keep moving!

Get curious, remember that “motion is lotion” (especially if you’re dealing with pain), and see how you might challenge yourself in some way this week, month, or year! 👣 💪

What’s your favorite way to keep moving? I’ve been loving the #100mileschallenge to push me a bit over my usual 10k steps/day! And of course I love lifting weights and sharing strength training with others through my Build with Becky (BWB) programs, currently by invite only (stay tuned for our BWB app release date, in development now!)

Let me know your favorite way(s) to keep moving (& how you keep your mindset toward movement open and flexible!) 😍

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