
☀️Get Morning Sun☀️

Why are we starting off the BWB Rest+Recovery Challenge with getting morning sun?

First off, it's an easy way to ease into a challenge! You can pick your level: 🎯Level 1 - 5-10 min 🎯Level 2 - 5-10 min if sunny, 10-20 min if cloudy 🎯Level 3 - Walk rain or shine AM & PM (10-20 min each)

Second, there are SO many benefits to the simple practice of getting morning light! Here are just a few:

☀️ Helps kickstart the body's sleep-wake cycle and keep our circadian rhythm / body clock in balance (translation: basically, getting light in your eyes first thing tells your body "wake up!" and starts its clock ticking down towards bedtime...which often helps us fall asleep more quickly at night, and wake up more refreshed! This is also why getting out for a morning walk when traveling can help combat jet lag!) ☀️ Promotes production of Vitamin D, which strengthens our immune systems and is essential for mental health (ever try to get through a winter in the midwest or north? it can be rough, partly because of the lack of daily sun and lower vitamin D levels!) ☀️ Getting morning light also helps reduces stress, Boosts mood and Serotonin levels (Serotonin is one of our "happiness hormones", and, while similar to dopamine, creates a long-lasting feeling of happiness or well-being.)

The best part? You can totally just sit in the sun and passively take in the sun if you like! Bonus points if you decide to also get some movement - whether it's a morning walk, jog, game of tennis, or band/bodyweight workout - sun + morning movement is one of my favorite ways to start the day! 😍

Feel like you're behind and it's too late to get started?

First off, that's ridiculous - this challenge is all about REST, not overachieving! 😅

Second, I specifically designed this challenge to be low-key and to have multiple options, levels, and the option to habit stack as we move through the weeks.

So, if you're bummed to have missed most of week 1, not to worry - you can habit stack it with week 2!

Stay tuned for more on habit stacking and mindful use of technology next week, and, in the meantime get started with morning sun today, to be sleeping better by tonight! ☀️

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