


This month is a chin-up / hip thrust focus! After a month of pushing our squats and bench presses, this month it will feel great to shift those lifts to maintenance mode to make space to progress on our pull and hinge patterns! 🏋️‍♀️

Have you ever wanted to get a bodyweight chin-up but just don’t think it’s possible? I promise you…it is! ☺️

Teaching people how to build strength and get their first chin-up is one of my favorite things to do as a coach. 🥰

Back in 2018 when I first started strength training progressively, I had a super fixed mindset around chin-ups. They’d show up in my monthly program and I’d kind of roll my eyes and think “ugh why, I’ll NEVER be able to do this.” 🙄

Well…fast forward 6 months and I replaced that period with a question mark and started to wonder… “COULD I ever do this?” 🧐 And that curiosity was the KEY I needed to unlock a growth mindset. 🔑

Once I did some research and had 3 solid days of progressive overload in place for my pull pattern and chin-ups, I trusted the process and committed to practicing the skill without being too attached to the outcome. I thought “maybe it’ll take 6 months or a year but I bet it’s possible!” 🤔

Well…it only took 14 days! 🤦‍♀️😳🤯🙃

That was the moment I absolutely fell in love with strength training. The concrete example of cultivating a growth mindset by getting curious, developing a plan and practice a skill progressively to ultimately meet an ambitious goal was utterly empowering and addictive and just HAD to keep going, and eventually, share it with others! 💪

Build with Becky Program 12 will equip you with the education and opportunity to do the same thing for yourself! 🥳

For the price of ONE session with a personal trainer in the gym you’ll get a WHOLE MONTH of programming, written for you, with flexible options to work out wherever and whenever you want, at any level. So, what are you waiting for?! 🤩

If you’re looking for a well-structured periodized and progressive program, along with a sustainable, mindful approach that is fail-proof, this is the program for you! 💪

Head to my website to learn more and sign up today! 👇


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