
4 Years, So Much Stronger đź’Ş

4 Years, So Much Stronger đź’Ş

The holiday season feels like the perfect moment to reflect on how far we’ve come, especially when the journey has been anything but easy at times. 🤔

Four years ago, I was fresh out of surgery—a hernia repair so large it came with a long road of rehab and recovery. I was also fresh out of answers, and full of fear and anxiety, wondering if I’d ever feel strong again.

On top of that, I was navigating a global pandemic, moving cities, and starting to study for a career change into personal training—a path I wasn’t yet sure would lead anywhere.

It’s safe to say, I was in it.

But if there’s one thing I’ve learned over the past four years, it’s this: we often don’t have enough runway to see how things will turn out.

Back then, I didn’t know the slow and tedious work of recovery would teach me lessons I’d one day share with clients, friends, and family. I didn’t know I’d pass my personal training exam with flying colors, find work and clients I love, and eventually have the courage to start my own business. I couldn’t have imagined lifting more than I did before surgery—like 350+ pound hip thrusts and 400+ pound leg presses—after being told I might never lift heavy again. 🤯

If you’re in a hard season right now, let me tell you what I wish I could’ve told myself 4 years ago: the strength you’re building now—mental, emotional, and physical—is going to carry you further than you can imagine. Even if you can’t see it yet, you’ll look back and realize this was the moment you decided to keep going. To trust yourself. To believe that things can get better. ❤️‍🩹 And-they will!

So today, I’m grateful for four years (& really many more) of showing up. For a body that keeps surprising me, and a life that feels bigger and brighter than I dared to hope for back then. And to anyone in the middle of their own journey: you’ve totally got this. Keep showing up. Keep giving yourself grace. It’s worth it. 💪✨

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