
Moving through heavy things

🎶 “Don't mind, don't mind if you cry on my shoulder; Remember, remember the things that I told ya”

I recently marked 3 years without my friend Nikki in this big, beautiful world. In many ways this year feels easier - time really does heal - and in other ways it feels as fresh as if I got the news of her car accident just yesterday. 💔

I chose to honor Nikki’s memory on the anniversary of her accident with one of her favorite forms of movement - a peloton ride with her fave instructor, @jessking - and, as usual, there were plenty of mindful moments. One line stood out to me, though:

“Healing is a forever journey - you never give up on it, even for one day.” ❤️‍🩹

Nikki was a silly, wonderful friend, first in childhood and then later when we reconnected as adults. She gave me a much-needed boost of confidence in my younger years and was always available via Marco Polo for a listening ear later in life. 🥰

It may seem silly to do a workout in Nikki’s honor, but a peloton ride was a daily practice of hers and I know she would absolutely love it. 3 years ago, I had the privilege of riding her peloton bike as part of my grieving process and today, it felt fitting to hop back on the bike again to remember her journey. Moving through grief can be a tricky, sometimes heavy thing - baby steps forward and then waves of memories that bring both smiles and tears. But something about actually moving my body as I remember seems to help me process and lighten the heaviness of the load, while bringing more of the joyful memories to mind. 🚴‍♀️

How do you move through the heavy moments of life?

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