
Reset Reflections: On Beginning Again; same soul, more wisdom 💫

100 days alcohol-free! 🥳

This week, I celebrated over three months of sober curiosity with a spa day—because, turns out, treating yourself to things you truly enjoy once in a while is much cheaper (and way more meaningful) than regular nights out! 🤣

Reflecting on this milestone as 2025 comes into clear view, I find myself valuing something new: trusting my past self. When I look back on the goals I’ve set and achieved—like dabbling in Dry January over a year ago, or embracing a growth mindset through monthly challenges—I see how they shaped me, even when I didn’t realize it at the time.

Sometimes we’re not quite ready for a BIG goal. Or maybe we need mini-milestones to build confidence. Revisiting past goals, with the wisdom of more lived experience, may unlock deeper meaning. My journey to 100 days alcohol-free started with two weeks last January. Now, I’m here—celebrating what I’ve built, not what I’ve “given up.”

What would it look like to let go of labels and let your habits reflect the life you want? What would it be like to act the way you want to feel? To embrace the goals that shaped you, knowing you can revisit and refine them as you grow, evolve, mature in your journey?

Past you left clues for where you are now—and future you will thank you for every intention you set and action you take today. 💛

What’s one past goal that deserves a second look? Let’s step into 2025 with clarity, curiosity, and a mindset rooted in growth and self-trust.

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