
8 Year Reflection 2016-2024

Today > 8 years ago!

2016 was a year of change for me…what in many ways felt an ending (choosing to take a sabbatical from teaching, which ultimately led to leaving my job as a Spanish teacher), really was just the beginning of a new chapter in my journey (a life-changing and perspective-shifting year of global travel, living and teaching in Japan, and ultimately career changing to personal training during the pandemic!) 😍

It’s funny how hindsight always is 20/20…obviously being a teacher prepared me well for life as a trainer…I know how to build programs (curriculum), communicate (coach&cue) effectively, engage, and instruct! I can break complicated steps down into comprehensible mini-steps, help students (clients) reframe challenge and adopt growth mindsets and become more resilient…everything transferred! 💕

Yet back in 2016…I had no idea what was next 😅

I just knew I needed to do SOMETHING different and I knew that I’d need time and space to explore. So I trusted that, and I took a scary leap into the unknown, supportive partner by my side! 💃

8 years later…everything is different, and yet in all the ways that truly matter, nothing has changed!

✅ I am still an educator, but my students and environment have shifted ✅ I am still supported by a partner who sees me and comes along for the journey, supporting me every step of the way ✅ I still don’t know what’s next…but more and more I’m learning to trust that I’ll figure it out!

How do you stay grounded throughout the ups and downs of the journey? Do you let the uncertainty and fear paralyze you, or do you listen to that inner voice that knows what you need, even if only the next small step? 👂

I am so glad that 8 years ago I listened to that inner voice. So proud of myself for taking the leap to get incredibly uncomfortable, and figure it out as I went. ☺️

How about you? Is there a part of you that wants or needs something else, something more, out of life? Whether it relates to your professional or personal life, your health and fitness or something else completely different…what would it feel like to start to get curious about that? What could life look or feel like 8 years from now?? 🧐

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