
Growth is in the small choices

It would’ve been easy to say, “I’m traveling today, so I can’t work out.”

Instead, I looked for what was possible—a quick pre-flight band/mobility session at the airport, a short Peloton ride in the morning, walking and standing with my backpack while going through customs, and a bonus hotel gym walk after dinner.

None of it was long or intense (well, except for that 2.5 hour isometric ruck in the customs line 😅) but, together, it all added up to almost my normal level of daily movement, and I felt so much better for it. 💪

Where in your life might you be stuck in an all-or-nothing fixed mindset? What would change if, instead, you asked:

“Today is different—what new ways can I move?”

Because even on the busiest days, you always have options. And over time, small choices compound and add up to make a huge difference.

#AlwaysSomethingNeverNothing #GrowthMindset #MoveMoreFeelBetter #TravelFitness

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